Artist R.L. Gibson

Tag: MyArtSpace.com

BUSY MONTH for Artist R.L. Gibson!

See Artist R.L. Gibson's work at RikRoks Tattoos in December!TRUCKIN’
into the Fall!

Okay, I admit it.  I’ve fallen down on the blogging job again… It has been over a month since I posted an update to this blog.  But, my excuse this month is the best one that I’ve ever had…

Artwork is flying (well, truckin’ actually) out the door!


MyArtSpace.com Featured Artist Screen Shot of Artist R.L. Gibson!September was a crazy month for Artist R.L. Gibson, and October is shaping up to be a whirlwind as well.  It started with acceptance into the Persona show at the Darkroom Gallery in Vermont, continued with acceptance into the Edges & Curves show in L.A.  The Edges & Curves show led to an offer of a solo show at RicRoks Tattoos in L.A. this December, and the month was topped off by being chosen as a Featured Artist on MyArtSpace.com! (That’s me top left in the screen shot to the right!)

For the first time in my artistic career, I have more show opportunities than available work to show.  How crazy is that?  I couldn’t ask for better motivation to create new work.  Wooohooo!

Thanks for all the love and support,
stay tuned for show details!