Artist R.L. Gibson

Pieces of Me.

PIECES of ME by Artist R.L. Gibson ©2007-2016


Series explores the physical reality of my reverence for human potential.  “Self as Other and “Other as Self” as reoccurring content.  As such, this series of works often unintentionally reveals Gibson’s own nature as an artist, as a woman, as a  human –both virtue and vice.

Quotation by artist R.L. Gibson“I am an Humanist—that is, I believe in both the objective responsibility and the inherent possibilities that lie within each individual.  I find beauty in free will but honor the power of heredity.  This belief is clearly reflected in my work, from color to content.   My own stereotypical American optimistic need to honor the best of human potential also reveals my worst frailties. The delicious irony doesn’t make room for an end to this series.” –R.L. Gibson

This series is ongoing & has been shown throughout the U.S. and around the world both as a series and as individual works. Click any image below to view as a slide show.