Artist R.L. Gibson

Watercolour 100317

watercolour 100317 (8'x11") by R.L. Gibson
watercolour 100317 (on 90 lb. paper, 8″x11″) by R.L. Gibson

So, I whined my way through the 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge.  A couple of days before it ended, I headed to NY for an opening at the Scarlet Seven Gallery in which my work was included. As I was reading each artist’s statement, I came across the work of Susan Spencer Crowe.  Midway through I came across the words, paraphrased, “I painted a watercolour every day for 5 years.”  FIVE YEARS.  I whined my way through 30 days.

So, I have until January for the next 30 Paintings in 30 Days challenge, but I am going to try to post something new nearly every day.  Most days I will just name them for the day they were completed.  I worked this one to death, but I love that cadmium orange.

Let’s see where this goes…