Artist R.L. Gibson

GLUTTONY: Rejected Attempt


One of the hardest lessons I ever learned was that it was okay if the work isn’t genius EVERY TIME.  The first image of the Psychomachia series that I tackled was Gluttony represented by The World’s Heaviest Woman.  I was excited…I worked hard on the set pieces and props.  I loved the resulting image for about 2 months…

NOW…it has been cut and replaced by a completely different concept, but it shines as an example of “it doesn’t always have to be perfect.”  Jerry Portelli, my Psychomachia partner, won’t let me show any of the work until the show opens, but since this pieces was rejected (at least by me), we’ll call it my lesson in humility…

…here it is, Gluttony Rejected.This version of Gluttony was rejected (by me) for inclusion in Psychomachia.